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Decanter Mixology Textures with airtight glass stopper 0.75l

Decanter Mixology Textures with airtight glass stopper 0.75l

SKU : 012520
In stock
  • €8.90
Container GN 1/1 polypropylene

Container GN 1/1 polypropylene

SKU : 880029 volume (l) / height (cm) : 14 / 10
Delivery time under 7 days. We'll clarify delivery time and availability before confirming order.
  • €13.92
Container GN 1/3 black polycarbonate

Container GN 1/3 black polycarbonate

SKU : 862520 volume (l) / height (cm) : 4 / 10
Delivery time under 7 days. We'll clarify delivery time and availability before confirming order.
  • €9.87
Container GN 1/1 HACCP

Container GN 1/1 HACCP

SKU : 880036 volume (l) / height (cm) : 9 / 6,5
Delivery time under 7 days. We'll clarify delivery time and availability before confirming order.
  • €14.52

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